Avnet Survey: 42% of Engineers Already Ship AI-Enhanced Products, 96% See AI Reshaping Design

Avnet Survey: 42% of Engineers Already Ship AI-Enhanced Products, 96% See AI Reshaping Design

The fourth annual Avnet Insights survey reveals that engineers are optimistic yet cautious about the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in product development. According to the survey, 75% of engineers believe market conditions for their design products are improving, and 49% expect better economic conditions to ease their work in the next year.

Avnet found that 42% of engineers have already integrated AI into their product design processes and are shipping those products. The survey explored 14 areas where AI could have a significant impact, from AI-driven simulation and testing to hardware design tools and software code generation. Engineers couldn’t pinpoint a single leading area, indicating AI’s broad potential impact.

Nearly all surveyed engineers (96%) agree that AI is likely to influence key product development functions, such as automating design tasks, enabling personalized designs, improving market predictive capabilities, and reducing development cycles. However, they also anticipate challenges, including security and privacy concerns (37%), data quality issues (31%), integration with existing tools (25%), and high costs (24%).

The survey highlights the need for specific skills to leverage AI effectively, including data analysis and interpretation, AI model optimization, and problem-solving and critical thinking, each cited by 16% of respondents. The survey included 1,204 global respondents from various regions and was conducted from October 31 to November 15, 2024.

Il quarto rapporto annuale Avnet Insights rivela che gli ingegneri sono ottimisti ma cauti riguardo all’impatto dell’Intelligenza Artificiale (IA) nello sviluppo dei prodotti. Secondo il sondaggio, il 75% degli ingegneri ritiene che le condizioni di mercato per i propri prodotti siano in miglioramento, e il 49% si aspetta che migliori condizioni economiche facilitino il loro lavoro nel prossimo anno.

Avnet ha riscontrato che il 42% degli ingegneri ha già integrato l’IA nei propri processi di progettazione dei prodotti e sta spedendo tali prodotti. Il sondaggio ha esplorato 14 aree in cui l’IA potrebbe avere un impatto significativo, dalla simulazione e test guidati dall’IA agli strumenti di progettazione hardware e generazione di codice software. Gli ingegneri non sono riusciti a individuare un’unica area principale, indicativa del potenziale impatto ampio dell’IA.

Quasi tutti gli ingegneri intervistati (96%) concordano sul fatto che l’IA è probabile che influenzi funzioni chiave nello sviluppo dei prodotti, come l’automazione dei compiti di progettazione, la capacità di creare design personalizzati, il miglioramento delle capacità predittive di mercato e la riduzione dei cicli di sviluppo. Tuttavia, prevedono anche delle sfide, incluse preoccupazioni relative alla sicurezza e alla privacy (37%), problemi di qualità dei dati (31%), integrazione con gli strumenti esistenti (25%) e costi elevati (24%).

Il sondaggio evidenzia la necessità di competenze specifiche per sfruttare efficacemente l’IA, inclusi l’analisi e l’interpretazione dei dati, l’ottimizzazione dei modelli di IA, e il problem-solving e il pensiero critico, ciascuna citata dal 16% dei rispondenti. Il sondaggio ha incluso 1.204 rispondenti globali da varie regioni ed è stato condotto dal 31 ottobre al 15 novembre 2024.

La cuarta encuesta anual de Avnet Insights revela que los ingenieros son optimistas pero cautelosos sobre el impacto de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en el desarrollo de productos. Según la encuesta, el 75% de los ingenieros cree que las condiciones del mercado para sus productos de diseño están mejorando, y el 49% espera que mejores condiciones económicas faciliten su trabajo en el próximo año.

Avnet encontró que el 42% de los ingenieros ya ha integrado la IA en sus procesos de diseño de productos y está enviando esos productos. La encuesta exploró 14 áreas donde la IA podría tener un impacto significativo, desde simulaciones y pruebas impulsadas por IA hasta herramientas de diseño de hardware y generación de código de software. Los ingenieros no pudieron identificar un área líder, lo que indica el amplio potencial impacto de la IA.

Casi todos los ingenieros encuestados (96%) coinciden en que es probable que la IA influya en funciones clave del desarrollo de productos, como automatización de tareas de diseño, habilitación de diseños personalizados, mejora de las capacidades predictivas del mercado y reducción de ciclos de desarrollo. Sin embargo, también anticipan desafíos, incluidas preocupaciones de seguridad y privacidad (37%), problemas de calidad de datos (31%), integración con herramientas existentes (25%) y altos costos (24%).

La encuesta destaca la necesidad de habilidades específicas para aprovechar eficazmente la IA, incluyendo análisis de datos e interpretación, optimización de modelos de IA y resolución de problemas y pensamiento crítico, cada una citada por el 16% de los encuestados. La encuesta incluyó a 1.204 encuestados globales de diversas regiones y se llevó a cabo desde el 31 de octubre hasta el 15 de noviembre de 2024.

제4회 연례 Avnet Insights 조사는 엔지니어들이 제품 개발에 있어 인공지능(AI)의 영향에 대해 낙관적이면서도 조심스럽다고 밝혔습니다. 조사에 따르면, 75%의 엔지니어는 자신들의 디자인 제품의 시장 조건이 개선되고 있다고 생각하며, 49%는 내년에는 더 나은 경제 조건이 작업을 용이하게 할 것이라고 예상하고 있습니다.

Avnet는 엔지니어의 42%가 이미 AI를 제품 디자인 프로세스에 통합하고 해당 제품을 출하하고 있다고 밝혔습니다. 이 조사는 AI가 상당한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 14개 분야를 탐구했으며, AI 기반의 시뮬레이션 및 테스트부터 하드웨어 디자인 도구, 소프트웨어 코드 생성까지 포함됩니다. 엔지니어들은 특정한 주요 분야를 지적할 수 없어 AI의 광범위한 잠재적 영향을 나타냅니다.

조사에 응답한 엔지니어 중 거의 모두(96%)가 AI가 설계 작업 자동화, 개인화된 디자인 허용, 시장 예측 능력 향상, 개발 주기 단축과 같은 핵심 제품 개발 기능에 영향을 미칠 가능성이 높다고 동의합니다. 그러나 그들은 보안 및 개인 정보 보호 문제(37%), 데이터 품질 문제(31%), 기존 도구와의 통합(25%), 높은 비용(24%) 등 여러 도전 과제를 예상하고 있습니다.

조사는 AI를 효과적으로 활용하기 위해 데이터 분석 및 해석, AI 모델 최적화, 문제 해결 및 비판적 사고 등의 특정 기술이 필요함을 강조하고 있으며, 각 기술은 응답자의 16%가 언급했습니다. 이 조사는 2024년 10월 31일부터 11월 15일까지 진행되었으며, 다양한 지역의 1,204명의 글로벌 응답자를 포함하였습니다.

La quatrième enquête annuelle Avnet Insights révèle que les ingénieurs sont optimistes mais prudents quant à l’impact de l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) dans le développement de produits. Selon l’enquête, 75% des ingénieurs estiment que les conditions du marché pour leurs produits de conception s’améliorent, et 49% s’attendent à ce que de meilleures conditions économiques facilitent leur travail dans l’année à venir.

Avnet a constaté que 42% des ingénieurs ont déjà intégré l’IA dans leurs processus de conception de produits et expédient ces produits. L’enquête a exploré 14 domaines où l’IA pourrait avoir un impact significatif, allant des simulations et tests pilotés par l’IA aux outils de conception matérielle et génération de code logiciel. Les ingénieurs n’ont pas pu identifier un domaine de prédilection, ce qui indique le large potentiel d’impact de l’IA.

Presque tous les ingénieurs interrogés (96%) s’accordent à dire que l’IA est susceptible d’influencer des fonctions clés dans le développement de produits, telles que l’automatisation des tâches de conception, la possibilité de créer des designs personnalisés, l’amélioration des capacités prédictives du marché et la réduction des cycles de développement. Cependant, ils s’attendent également à des défis, notamment des préoccupations en matière de sécurité et de confidentialité (37%), des problèmes de qualité des données (31%), des intégrations avec les outils existants (25%) et des coûts élevés (24%).

L’enquête souligne la nécessité de compétences spécifiques pour exploiter efficacement l’IA, y compris l’analyse et l’interprétation des données, l’optimisation des modèles d’IA et la résolution de problèmes et la pensée critique, chacune mentionnée par 16% des répondants. L’enquête a inclus 1 204 répondants du monde entier, provenant de diverses régions, et a été menée du 31 octobre au 15 novembre 2024.

Die vierte jährliche Avnet Insights Umfrage zeigt, dass Ingenieure optimistisch, aber vorsichtig in Bezug auf die Auswirkungen von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Produktentwicklung sind. Laut der Umfrage glauben 75% der Ingenieure, dass sich die Marktbedingungen für ihre Designprodukte verbessern, und 49% erwarten, dass sich bessere wirtschaftliche Bedingungen im nächsten Jahr positiv auf ihre Arbeit auswirken.

Avnet hat herausgefunden, dass 42% der Ingenieure bereits KI in ihre Produktdesignprozesse integriert haben und diese Produkte ausliefern. Die Umfrage untersuchte 14 Bereiche, in denen KI erhebliche Auswirkungen haben könnte, von KI-gesteuerten Simulationen und Tests bis hin zu Hardware-Design-Tools und Software-Code-Generierung. Die Ingenieure konnten keinen einzelnen führenden Bereich benennen, was das breite potenzielle Einflussfeld der KI anzeigt.

Fast alle befragten Ingenieure (96%) sind sich einig, dass KI wahrscheinlich entscheidende Funktionen in der Produktentwicklung beeinflussen wird, wie die Automatisierung von Entwurfsaufgaben, die Ermöglichung personalisierter Designs, die Verbesserung der Marktprognosefähigkeiten und die Verkürzung der Entwicklungszyklen. Sie erwarten jedoch auch Herausforderungen, einschließlich Sicherheits- und Datenschutzbedenken (37%), Datenqualitätsprobleme (31%), Integration mit bestehenden Tools (25%) und hohe Kosten (24%).

Die Umfrage hebt die Notwendigkeit spezifischer Fähigkeiten hervor, um KI effektiv zu nutzen, einschließlich Datenanalyse und -interpretation, KI-Modelloptimierung sowie Problemlösung und kritisches Denken, bei denen jeweils 16% der Befragten angaben. Die Umfrage umfasste 1.204 globale Teilnehmer aus verschiedenen Regionen und wurde vom 31. Oktober bis 15. November 2024 durchgeführt.

Annual survey finds engineers are unsure of where AI will make the most impact – because they see its potential everywhere

Engineers are looking at the opportunity for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in product development with cautious optimism as many are still assessing in which areas of their work AI will have the greatest impact. This is according to Avnet’s (Nasdaq: AVT) fourth annual Avnet Insights survey, which has been keeping a pulse on how engineers are responding to the market – and looking ahead – since 2021.

As engineers begin to feel more optimistic overall – 75% said they think market conditions for their design products are getting better, and half (49%) anticipate that economic and market conditions in the next year will make their product design and development work easier – Avnet’s latest survey turned to a key technology that may be impacting the year to come: AI. Avnet found 4-in-10 (42%) of engineers have incorporated AI into their product design process and are currently shipping those products, and went on to examine how else engineers are responding to the technology as they navigate this new frontier.

AI technology is poised to have an impact… everywhere.

Avnet asked engineers where emerging AI technology may have the biggest impact among 14 areas, from AI-driven simulation and testing to hardware design tools and software code generation. Respondents could not identify a single leading area of opportunity – indicating that, in fact, the opportunity may lay across the board.

“It is nearly impossible to outline one specific opportunity for a technology having as much potential impact as Artificial Intelligence,” said Alex Iuorio, Senior Vice President, Global Supplier Development, Avnet. “In our latest survey, engineers told us that they see AI impacting everything from their efficiency to hardware design tools to code generation, and even how they collaborate. It’s not that AI will not impact any one area most but rather the opposite: AI can, and will, have significant impact in all these areas.”

Looking specifically at product development, nearly all (96%) engineers agree that AI will be somewhat-to-extremely likely to impact key product development functions, including: increasing automation of design tasks, enabling more personalized and customized designs, improving predictive capabilities for market needs, and reducing the overall time for product development cycles.

Addressing challenges with added expertise.

Avnet found the top challenges engineers expect when considering integrating AI into their products include security and privacy concerns (37%) and data quality issues (31%). For about a quarter, integration with existing tools (25%) and high costs (24%) also are top-of-mind.

“Any new frontier is going to come with new challenges,” said Iuorio. “We’re seeing engineers raise concerns about AI in product development which aligns with concerns we are seeing about AI more broadly. At Avnet, we know how to navigate new challenges; we have over a century of experience in doing so. We can bring together expertise from suppliers and innovative ideas from customers to capitalize on the expansive opportunities that await.”

Engineers also expect certain skills will help them capitalize on the immediate opportunity, Avnet found. The top skills engineers feel are most necessary to use AI effectively in product design include: data analysis and interpretation (16%), AI model optimization (16%), and problem-solving and critical thinking (16%).

The full 2024 Avnet Insights survey is available here.

Avnet Insights is an annual survey of engineers. The 2024 survey was conducted online and fielded to 1,204 global respondents, fielded October 31 through November 15, 2024. Regionally, respondents were based in the Americas, EMEA, Asia, and Japan (United States, Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, China and Japan).

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As a leading global technology distributor and solutions provider, Avnet has served customers’ evolving needs for more than a century. We support customers at each stage of a product’s lifecycle, from idea to design and from prototype to production. Our unique position at the center of the technology value chain enables us to accelerate the design and supply stages of product development so customers can realize revenue faster. Decade after decade, Avnet helps its customers and suppliers around the world realize the transformative possibilities of technology. Learn more about Avnet at www.avnet.com.

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Source: Avnet


What are the key findings of the 2024 Avnet Insights survey on AI?

The survey found that 75% of engineers are optimistic about market conditions, 42% have integrated AI into product design, and 96% believe AI will significantly impact development functions. Key challenges include security, data quality, integration, and costs.

How many engineers have incorporated AI into their product design according to the Avnet survey?

According to the Avnet survey, 42% of engineers have incorporated AI into their product design processes and are currently shipping those products.

What are the anticipated challenges of integrating AI into product design as per the Avnet Insights survey?

Engineers anticipate challenges such as security and privacy concerns (37%), data quality issues (31%), integration with existing tools (25%), and high costs (24%).

What areas do engineers see AI impacting the most in product design?

Engineers see AI impacting areas such as automating design tasks, enabling personalized designs, improving market predictive capabilities, and reducing development cycles.

What skills are necessary for engineers to leverage AI effectively in product design?

Key skills include data analysis and interpretation, AI model optimization, and problem-solving and critical thinking, each cited by 16% of respondents.

When was the 2024 Avnet Insights survey conducted?

The 2024 Avnet Insights survey was conducted from October 31 to November 15, 2024.

How many engineers participated in the 2024 Avnet Insights survey?

The survey included 1,204 global respondents from regions such as the Americas, EMEA, Asia, and Japan.


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